Seithennin, saf di allan

Ac edrychwyr di faranres – môr

   Maes Gwyddno rhy döes.

Boed emendigaid y forwyn

A’i hellyngodd gwedi cwyn,

Ffynnon fenestr môr terrwyn.

Boed emendigaid y fachdaith

A’i gollyngodd gwedi gwaith.

FFynnon fenestr môr diffaith.

Diasbad Mererid i ar fan caer [– heddiw]

      Hyd ar Dduw y dodir.

   Gnawd gwedi traha tranc hir.

Disabad Mererid i ar fan caer – heddiw

      Hyd ar Dduw y dadolwch.

   Gnawd gwedi traha atregwch.

Diasbad Mererid a’m gorchwydd – heno

       Ac ni’m hawdd orllwydd.

    Gnawd gwedi traha tramgwydd.

Diasbad Mererid i ar winau – cadr

       Cedol Dduw a’i gorau.

    Gnawd gwedi gormodd eisiau.

Diasbad Mererid a‘m cymell – heno

       I wrth fy ystafell.

    Gnawd gwedi traha tranc pell.

   Bedd Seithennin synnwyr fan

Rhwng Caer Genedr a glan – môr,

       Mawrhydig o gynran.

Seithennin. get up and come out

And look at the boiling fury – of the sea

Which has covered Gwyddno’s land.

Let the girl be cursed

Who unleashed it after supper.

In the wine-waiter’s well the raging sea.

Let the maid be cursed

Who released it after work.

In the wine-waiter’s well the desolate sea.

Mererid’s shriek from the castle tower [– today]

       Is raised up to God.

    Usual after pride a protracted death.

Mererid’s shriek from the castle tower – today,

       To God she implores.

    Usual after pride sorrow.

Mererid’s shriek makes me mad – tonight,

       Nor will it sweetly prosper me.

    Usual after pride a tumble.

Mererid’s shriek riding a fine – bay,

       God made her rich.

    Usual after excess, want.

Mererid’s shriek forces me – tonight

       Out of my chamber.

    Usual after pride a long drawn-out demise.

The grave of Seithennin of exalted common-sense

[Lies] between Cenedr City and the sea – shore,

       A majestic  prince.


Another Cantre’r

Gwaelod poem